Friday, May 05, 2006

Affirmation of Faith

Spring is making the rounds of blooming flora at our house. The forsythia has moved on to beautiful greenery, a few of the tulips remain but most have dropped their petals. The dogwood is in mid-bloom, so is the trillium, and the spiderwort is just coming on. The corn lilies are near a foot tall, but I know they will not flower until July. I love to watch as they waken from their winter slumber and come to life again. This is my affirmation of faith. All is right with the earth, or as right as it can be, and another year is underway; the mighty Amen and So be it.

With the warm sunshine also comes my friend, the walking man. I don’t know his name, but we are friends. Right as rain he walks each morning. Sometimes we exchange greetings and sometimes we just wave. When I first moved back into this old house I tried to walk with him, but I couldn’t keep up with his pace. The walking man has more years than me but he sure can move. His frame curves slightly forward. Sometimes he looks as though he might topple over, but he doesn’t. I noticed that he has taken to walking with a cane this year, most likely to fend off any critters that might get tangled up in his legs. It was good to see his face. The walking man is one of the rites of spring, another affirmation of faith. He walks the mighty Amen and So be it.


Blogger willi said...

What a beautiful descripton of spring. What an afirmation of faith-the dogwood and the walking man. I am glad you moved into this "old house" and that you returned to that "old church". I think I will adopt your afirmation:

"All is right with the earth, or as right as it can be, and another year is underway; the mighty Amen and So be it."

so be it..

6:26 PM  

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